Finly Dade Starts working at The Crowned Lion at Malbourgh Town.
At The Midsummer Concert, Niel Hauck makes a table for the Children next to the table of the Wondonians.The newly born daughter of Lady Stefanie and David Smith, Sophie Smith, Annika and Gielgud Turain, his son, Jay Hauck, and Finally Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wondon.
This table, Niel Hauck will be serving himself with his cousin's son, Charles Riggs.
Next morning, Niel Hauck is serving breakfast to Sharon Turain and her children, Annika and Gielgud and his own son, Jay Hauck at the launch area, while Bettina Hauck is going to the back stage of the theatre.
The two sisters, Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain, are hugging each other goodmorning, before they all joins the launch area of the theatre, where Niel Hauck is serving breakfast for Sharon Turain and her children, Annika and Gielgud.
David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon are joining the Turainians for breakfast with their daughter, Sophie Smith, and Niel Hauck is serving them breakfast, too.
Later in the morning, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby are joining the table, too. Slim Bellerby kisses Conrad Combler and Sir Leonard kisses Lady Samantha of Turain again.
Finally Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Silas Combler joins the Turainians for breakfast and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is kissing Lady Maritha of Turain goodmorning.
In the afternoon at the day of the weddings, Niel Hauck packs a carriage, to transport Bettina and Jay Hauck, Finly Dade, Abe Walden, Eileen Twinley, Roger and Amie Hauck to the castle.
In the evening of the weddings, Sir Patrick, Lady Cathry of Malbourg, their sons and groomes, Sir Leon and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at the reception hall of the castle along with the rest for the family: their daughter Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with her boyfriend, Pete Barta, and her bodygaurd Doug Wood.
Dungeon Master Sean and Lady Rebecca Dade, with their children, Angelica, Tim and Holly and Captain Hamish and Syreeta Bellerby and their son lieutenant Slim Bellerby, while their daughter, Kari Bellerby, is supposed to join them later as a servant for Sir Benjamin and their nephew, Sir Gareth of Lewinton.
They are entering the table of the groomes, served by Roger Hauck. Nexto it Niel Hauck has placed:
At the weddings When Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh is married, Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck starts playing music, and the wedded couples have to dance together.
When the wedding couples have finished dancing, Bettina Hauck and Eileen Twinley performed a dance.
Roger Hauck dies and Niel inherits The Crowned Lion from Roger.
Niel and Bettina Hauck divides The Crowned Lion between them, so Bettina Hauck runs the theatre, and Niel Hauck takes care of the inn.
Jay Hauck marries Anna-Britt Hamre.
Anna-Britt Hauck gives birth to Todd Hauck.
Amie Hauck dies.
Anna-Britt Hauck gives birth to Katie Hauck.
Katie Hauck and Jane Stone soon becomes friends.
Niel Hauck dies, and Jay Hauck inherits The Crowned Lion.
Jay Hauck do not fancy running The Crowned Lion without his father, Niel.
Since the boyfried of Jane Stone, Stewart Liebermann, has lost his profession as pharmasist, because of the band for males to work as pharmasist, Jay Hauck sells off the inn to Jane Stone, so she can continue the inn together with Stewart. Then Jay Hauck can consentrate his efford at the theatre together with his mother, Bettina.
Jane Stone and Stewart Liebermann are serving at the Midsummer Concert.